Wowie Booklist

In this booklist, though never complete, we attempt to capture books that guide us on how to live, manage the systems of the world, and have a little fun while doing it.
- Walden
- This is a book focuses on rules to live by through simplicity and focus.
- Awareness
- This book will help you grow in self awareness and stop telling yourself lies about the world.
- A Man's Search for Meaning
- A book about a man who survives the Nazi concentration camps and discovers something even more important than happiness in life.
- The Alchemist
- A book about adventure and why it is essential everyone finds their purpose in life.
- Meditations
- Personal stoic philosophy from one of the greatest leaders of the ancient world.
- The Tao of Seneca
- Stoic philosophy artfully written into letters for daily reads.
- Vegabonding
- This book will not only inspire you to travel the world while you're young, it'll tell you how to do it on a budget.
- Deep Survival
- How to survive in the wild and why some people live and some people die.
- Sapiens
- An amazing summary of human history we were never taught in school.
- Enlightenment Now
- The case for why we are living in the best time to be alive.
- Life 3.0
- A book on the future of humanity and what it may hold for us.
- David and Goliath
- A book that argues that without adversity, the greats would never have been great.
- The Power of Habit
- Break a habit or change a habit. Your life can greatly improve or be destroyed by them, so why not learn how they work?
- Fooled by Randomness
- How random life really is and what you can do about it.
- The Black Swan
- How to manage for unexpected events and systems that think they can predict.
- Antifragile
- How to identify opportunities that benefit from randomness and long-tail events.
- Skin in the Game
- How random and rare events are in every day life.
- 0 to One
- What it takes to start a life changing startup
- Never Split the Difference
- How to negotiate like a hostage negotiator.
- Pitch Anything
- How to pitch for millions and win the funding.
- The Lean Startup
- How to start a business that people will love with little cash.
- Personal MBA
- What everyone should read before getting an MBA. Unless you want to go be a pawn in a fortune 500 company.
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
- How to influencer with empathy
- Algorithms to Live By
- How to make quick decisions in life use back of the hand math that stands up to years of data modeling.
- Mastery
- What it takes to be the best int he world at something
- The 48 Laws of Power
- How to play politics and avoid people trying to play you.
- Superintelligence
- Paths, dangers, and strategies for the future artificial general superintelligence.
- Revolutionary Wealth
- A futurist perspective on where we're going.
- Scrum
- How to build something rapidly in half the time.
- Tools of Titans
- A great source for the worlds top performers and their habits.
- The Red Book
- Psychology